As a parent, your student’s overall well-being is extremely important to you, especially at this time. Your student is experiencing a new part of life in a new location. Whether this is your first child to attend college or your fourth, the college experience involves change for the whole family.
Here at Counseling Services, we want to assist your student in coping with those changes as well as other personal issues that may arise. However, sometimes students do not know where or how to seek assistance, or he/she may be reluctant to do so. If you are concerned about your student, or if your student comes to you for help, please feel free to direct him/her to Counseling Services.
It may also be helpful to provide your student with additional alternatives (other therapists). If you have private insurance, contact your insurance company for a list of local providers who are in-network.
Feel free to browse our website for more information on our services.