Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan


On November 2, 2016, the Â鶹Æƽâ°æ University Board of Trustees adopted a new 5-year strategic plan to guide the University into 2021. The overarching goal of the strategic plan is to present a series of Aims and supporting Initiatives that are targeted at specific needs of the University to include: Academic Quality; Student Success; Extend the Influence; and Strategic Growth. These articulated initiatives serve as a guide to fulfill the university’s primary mission to graduate students with exemplary academic and professional skills, preparing them for purposeful lives and meaningful service.

Academic Quality


  • Develop and support learning experiences that attract and retain an increasingly strong student body.
  • Balance the enduring value of the liberal arts with professional preparation in the context of traditional, residential undergraduate and nontraditional student education.
  • Secure gains in academic quality, student engagement, student accomplishment, and faculty development.
  • Develop faculty to become better teachers and scholars.


  1. Improve the quality of the undergraduate student body
  2. Increase experiential learning opportunities
  3. Increase participation in study abroad and global engagement programs
    1. Revise the partnership between TAR UC and Â鶹Æƽâ°æ University with an exploration for future possibilities
    2. Design and implement an international admissions recruiting plan
  4. Establish a student research program for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students
  5. Establish a program for teaching excellence
  6. Develop a speakers program that brings to campus noted authorities in their respective disciplines or professional fields
  7. Increase and improve faculty development support and funding
    1. Faculty Development Grant Program
    2. Faculty Summer Research Grant
  8. Affiliate with local, state, and national organizations of prestige

Student Success


  • Enhance the quality of the student experience to foster harmony between body, mind, and spirit.
  • Provide support for student success to improve retention, persistence, graduation rates.
  • Prepare students for the world of work, service, and leadership.


  1. Construct a new student union facility
  2. Implement a comprehensive program of academic advising to include career planning
  3. Launch a comprehensive career development program
  4. Enhance academic success programs and resources
  5. Develop a residence life program to include living/learning communities that   promotes social integration, fosters personal development, and facilitates learning
  6. Develop community engagement and leadership program
  7. Enhance support for an increasingly diverse student population
  8. Develop a health and wellness program stressing body, mind, and spirit with a focus on faith, food, fitness, and finances

Extend the Influence


  • Strengthen the base of recruiting in North Carolina and extend into new markets.
  • Expand the throughout the northeast, southeast, and other selected regions.
  • Enhance the University’s influence in regional development through strategic partnerships.
  • Achieve athletic success with integrity.
  • Explore and develop opportunities to support global engagement and learning.


  1. Market Â鶹Æƽâ°æ as the private school of choice in North Carolina while expanding into new states
  2. Launch a comprehensive communication and marketing plan including actions specifically for Raleigh, the RTP region, and Fayetteville
  3. Position Â鶹Æƽâ°æ as a partner in regional economic and community development
  4. Leverage memberships and participation in civic, community, and governmental organizations and associations
  5. Increase the number of mission and service learning trips involving undergraduate, graduate, and professional students
  6. Develop a plan for employee development and increased workplace satisfaction

Strategic Growth


  • Plan growth in enrollment.
  • Develop a financial growth plan.
  • Create a plan for program growth.
  • Construct an advancement and fundraising plan.


  1. Establish strategic enrollment goals (all schools/all programs)
    1. Realize strategic growth in programs through continuous research, needs assessment, market analysis, assessing regularly existing programs, and conducting feasibility studies for at least three programs a year
    2. Increase revenue through growth in enrollment, tuition increases, new programs, prudent fiscal management, and other avenues of auxiliary income
  2. Develop a comprehensive plan for maintenance and expansion of technological resources for the entire campus to include all administrative and educational services
  3. Launch a capital campaign for advancement and fundraising
  4. Develop a long-term strategy for awarding federal, state, and institutional financial aid to minimize student debt and maximize enrollment
  5. Amplify alumni relations
  6. Continue campus development through the construction of new facilities to support new programming, the refurbishment and repurposing of existing facilities, and the demolition of structures no longer of service
  7. Develop a government relations strategy that supports the financial and policy needs of the University and select programs